среда, 15 января 2020 г.


Views Read Edit View history. You can now access exception object via ErrorHandler:: There's also a user-contributed documentation, most of which is available within the wiki on the official website. Yii is pronounced as "Yee" or [ji: You can download it at yiiframework. yii 1.1.16

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Various third party tools and libraries often used with Yii were updated so framework got updates to support these. From Wikipedia, the free 1.1.16. Retrieved 18 January It allows passing to various third party APIs efficiently.

Multifile plugin used by CMultiFileUpload to 1.

yii 1.1.16

We are currently actively developing and maintaining Yii 2. Mime-Type detection itself was improved by using the mime. When we've first released Yii 1.

yii 1.1.16

Below we will summarize some of the main enhancements introduced in this release. The latest version 2. Yii comes with a collection of official documentation, such as a tutorial to develop a simple blog application, a guide that gives the description of every feature and a class reference which gives every detail about properties, methods and events.

There was also an official extension library, ziiwhich was eventually merged with the core framework; it has been bundled in every release since Yii version 1. In Octoberafter ten months of development, the first alpha version of Yii was released, followed by the formal 1. There's also a user-contributed documentation, most of which is available within the wiki on 1.1.166 official website.

Yii is released - Framework news - Yii Framework Forum

In this release, we have included more than enhancements and bug fixes. You may follow the development progress of Yii 2 by starring or watching Yii 2. It is now possible to override the models PK using primaryKey method, even if the table defines one. Syslog log route is now available out of the box.

We are very pleased to announce that Yii Framework version 1. Retrieved 22 August In May the Yii 2.

Yii is pronounced as "Yee" or [ji: In May the developers decided to use new PHP versions and fix architectural shortcomings, resulting in version 2.

Database support is evolving constantly in Yii. Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia. Default value is true. The Yii community continues to follow the 1.

Framework now responds with HTTP protocol version passed in request. Please read the upgrading instructions to learn how to upgrade. yik

We would like to express our gratitude to all contributors who have spent their precious time helping improve Yii and made this release possible. Please note that Yii 1.

Articles with pictures in Yii 1.1.16 cannot be modified

The last release was version 1. Yii and YiiBase were added to composer. This means that it's possible to use it for free to develop either open-source or proprietary Web applications.

Retrieved from " https: Retrieved 20 October CFormatter is now able uii format DateTime instances.

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